The Complete Guide to Finding the Best Tandem Stroller 2019

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Are you considering buying a tandem stroller?

Double strollers are very popular because there are no width issues as can be the case with side-by-side double strollers.

Choosing a double stroller is always difficult. For your convenience, we’ve compiled a list of the best tandem strollers on the market in 2019, and provided buying tips to help you find the best one.

The ultimate guide to the best tandem strollers 2019

Comparative table

Looking for the best double tandem strollers? The following table will help you compare the best ones. Just look at the criteria that are most important to you. Load weight per seat.

What is a tandem stroller?

A tandem stroller is a double stroller where one seat is placed behind (or in front of) the other seat. This means that the stroller is usually as narrow as a regular stroller, but longer. Compared to a side stroller, the space should be the same, it only protrudes forward and not across.

There are many ways to find out how a tandem stroller works, how the seats are arranged, what sizes are available, what style it is, etc. It may sound complicated, but it’s really not, and the many seating options can be a big bonus!

Tandem strollers are suitable for families with two or more children, as they offer many options from birth to 6 years and have the advantage of easily navigating small spaces.

Also read our guides on coasters and strollers side by side.

How to choose a tandem stroller for your family

It is important to find the stroller that best suits your individual needs, as every family is different and has different expectations of their stroller. You should therefore ask yourself the following questions:

1. What is the size/age of your children?

Fortunately, tandem strollers accommodate a wide range of weights and sizes, from birth to 40 pounds. If you already have children, a tandem stroller for newborns is less important, while expectant mothers should look out for strollers for newborns.

Dimensions vary, so it’s important to know how much space you need, as some tandem strollers are narrower than others. If your children are older, this should be a factor in the decision. This also determines the lifespan of your stroller.

The Complete Guide to Finding the Best Tandem Stroller 2019

2. Should the seat(s) be adjusted?

The tilt function can be a great tool because it allows you to take a nap on long days. In tandem wheelchairs, the seats are more difficult to adjust, and often only one seat can be adjusted while the other remains stationary. Some tandem strollers have a reclining function. If it is something that is important to you, it should be a factor in your decision.

If you have a younger child and an older child, the best 2019 double stroller for you might be the one with one adjustable seat instead of two. However, in the case of twins, it may be more important that both seats can recline.

3. How often and how will you use this pushchair?

This is where durability, design and weight of the stroller play a role in the decision, and it really depends on the stroller in question. Many tandem strollers are lightweight, making them very easy to push and very maneuverable, and ideal for everyday activities.

For regular walks uphill or in tight spaces where the stroller will be used intensively, you may need something heavier. Or maybe you have limited space in the trunk and need to take that into account.

It all comes down to your individual needs, so decide what’s important to you!

Top 3 Tandem Stroller Reviews 2019

As we’ve said before, the best tandem stroller is the one that best suits your individual needs. Of course, we have our favorites! Here are our top 3 picks and reviews of tandem strollers.

Contours Options Elite Tandem Stroller Review

This is perhaps the best tandem stroller for babies and young children. The Contours Options Elite tandem stroller has a stylish look and a very comfortable design. The seats can easily be adjusted in 7 different ways.

You can swap the seats so they face each other, or you can even remove one if you only have one child and need extra storage space. You can also install up to two pods, and the stroller comes with a universal car seat adapter.

Each chair has an adjustment function with 3 positions and can support 40 pounds. They also have adjustable footrests and retractable canopies for maximum coverage. There are also peepholes.

The stroller folds easily and is relatively compact. There is no need to remove the seats to fold it, which makes it very fast. It locks automatically when folded and has an upright fold.

Contours Options Elite also has plenty of storage space with enough room to easily store bags and groceries. This is also suitable for grandparents.

This stroller is not as light as others on the market, but it is surprisingly easy to handle, sturdy and elegant, and has many features.

Kinderwagon Hop Tandem Stroller Review

The main feature of the Kinderwagon Hop tandem umbrella stroller is its ultralight design, weighing only 27.7 pounds. Yet it is strong enough to carry children up to 40 pounds. The stroller comes with a rain cover, a cup holder and a removable bag.

The stroller is easy to fold and fits very comfortably in the trunk. Both seats are adjustable, but the adjustment in the front can be tricky.

Its super lightweight design makes it perfect for long walks without being too heavy, and its design is elegant and modern. Not only is the stroller light, it’s also narrow enough to fit between cars in parking lots and on public transit.

The front seat has about 50% sun protection, the back seat is almost completely covered by the front seat. This can be positive or negative depending on your individual needs.

This stroller is in the middle of the price range and is well worth its price.

Phil and Teds Voyager Stroller

Phil and Ted’s have some great tandem strollers on the market. The Voyager Stroller double stroller impresses with its simple and intelligent design. The rear seat is easily removable and fits comfortably under the front seat. Once seated, both seats tilt back, providing an excellent viewing angle for children and parents.

The stroller is compact and versatile. With its cup holders and boot space, it’s ideal for everyday rides, but also rugged enough to handle rough terrain with ease. The front wheels can be locked for stability or rotated for maneuverability. The stroller is also equipped with wire brakes.

The stroller is slightly heavier than some of its competitors, but it fits children from birth, with a capacity of 33 pounds in the rear seat and an impressive 44 pounds in the front seat.

The only real downside to this model is the price. It is certainly more expensive than its competitors. But it really is the best stroller in the world and if you need a strong and reliable stroller, you can’t beat it.

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